Sunday, October 3, 2010

Simplest way to use JQuery DataTable in (C#)

Hi All,

Today i will be using JQuery dataTable in c# code without any 'bProcessing' , 'bServerSide' and 'sAjaxSource'.

First of All what is Jquery Datatable, just Click and find out :).

After getting the basic structure of JQuery datatable you may find that all the server side examples on site is in PHP and the stuff done for seems so difficult nor such newbies like me. so lets talk about a simpler solution.

First we create a simple HTML table. and the place where data will get populated just add an ASP Literal control. :)

<table class="datatable">
                                <th class="bSortable">
                                    <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox select-all" />
                                    First Name
                                    Middle Name
                                    Last Name
                            <asp:Literal runat="server" ID="ltData"></asp:Literal>

Now on the server side write a simple function to populate the literal with required data.

private void loadGrid()
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        DataTable dt = MyData.GetAllUserData();
        if (dt != null)
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)

                    sb.Append("<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' />");


        ltData.Text = sb.ToString();


For initializing the data table you can refer to the site or use the following code and write it in document.ready() function of jQuery.

function LoadTable() {
  'bLengthChange': true,
  'bPaginate': true,
  'sPaginationType': 'full_numbers',
  'iDisplayLength': 5,
  'bInfo': false,
   'sSearch': 'Search all columns:',
    'sNext': '&gt;',
    'sLast': '&gt;&gt;',
    'sFirst': '&lt;&lt;',
    'sPrevious': '&lt;'

At this point we are done with the basic grid view with just text data but what if we need to perform some functions like delete a particular row, Just don't worry about it create a webservice and write the deletion function in that service then use the following code to call it using jQuery.

function DeleteMe(string IdToBeDeleted){
var webMethod = 'DeleteRecord.asmx/DeleteUser'
var parameters = "{'ID':'" + IdToBeDeleted + "'}"

        type: "POST",
        url: webMethod,
        data: parameters,
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(msg) {    
                alert('Success Deletion');
        error: function(e){
                 alert('Failure Deletion');                         

and for Datatable just create an other column and call this DeleteMe function with RowId as parameter to it and a nice deletion will occur.

Hope it helps.

Happy coding....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

JQuery menu anchor tag click problem

Hi All,

Once again a new problem with another solution. If you have ever tried to create a JQuery menu whose click pops out another sub menu and you have to place an anchor tag with in that submenu, you wont find the anchor tag click to be working.

Suppose i have the following structure.

<div class="menu">
        <li><a href="#">My Parent Menu</a>
            <li><a href="myPage.aspx">My Title</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">another Title</a></li>

and you need the internal UL to pop out on clicking external LI. The JQuery sample is.

$('.menu ul li').click(function () {
  submenu = $(this).find('ul');
  if (':visible'))
  return false;

So what you need to do is to stop propagation of external li item to the anchor tag by

$('.menu li ul li a').click(function(e) {

An now you can do your click and pop Ins/pop outs at the same time.

Happy Coding.

Click Server button problem in jquery Model popup ASP.NET

Hi All,

If you have ever used JQuery model popup with server side controls on it you might face problem when clicking a server button on it, That the server event is not fired when and hence you can not open perform any server activity inside that popup.

The reason is that JQuery models are designed in a way that they should contain a form tag as an server page but when the popup appears div gets out from document object model and gets attached to the end of page and hence it never contained a form tag which stops "runat=server" to work so server events didn't gets fired.

The solution is very simple just add the model popup to the parent form and you are done. i have also attached the sample code.

jQuery(function() {
   var myDialog= jQuery("#DialogName").dialog({ 
                        // SET Properties here 
  // Adding Dialog to Parent form will do the Job

Also Take care of one thing that the addition of model dialog to page must b done inside the page it this is done in external javascript file it wont work.

Happy Coding.